Why is hate so hard to accept?

Why does there have to be some “reasoning” behind one of humanity’s basest emotions? Why is the bigotry, the discrimination, the hate so “hard to understand”?

Destigmatizing Fur, Part 2.

No one should be down to buy every piece of roadkill every corporation is hawking out of a truck. But a few clicks worth of research can lead to amazing things.

“Divisive” Is Basically A Dog-Whistle

In 2021, Huntington Beach, California’s city council voted unanimously to fly the Pride flag on city property. What a difference two years makes.

De-stigmatizing Fur

Vogue Magazine turned heads recently with its article talking about faux fur, pointing out the elephant in the room: faux fur is no green alternative.

Hello Again

So here I am, launching a personal blog again. Not that I…