A drag queen story hour in suburban Washington DC was nearly attacked by homophobic Proud Boys over the weekend. Montgomery County bookstore Loyalty Bookstore was welcoming pro-diversity families to the store for a drag queen story hour, when right-wing-fomented chaos ensued.

Shoutout to the organization Parasol Patrol for being ready for the homophobes.

I can’t stress this enough: we need to be prepared at all of our events for something like this to happen. Of course, no arrests were made following the confrontation, and County Councilmember Kristin Mink called for police to provide greater separation from right-wing rabble-rousers in the future.

Every queen needs to be prepared. As the video notes, 1 in 10 hate crimes in the DC metro area will be against one of us, a member of the LGBTQ community. And as we see, we can’t always expect that police will be there to protect us before it happens.

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