People have identities. People have politics. We can’t forget this.
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17 posts
It’s Not “The Bible”. It’s Theological Fanfic.
Let’s not confuse Scripture with theological fanfic.
Here’s How To Save Bud Light
If your brand is going to stand with a minority community, it can’t just do so on Instagram.
“Are Trans Students People?” In Idaho, Maybe Not
Idaho’s legislature currently has six bills hell-bent on making life hell for someone represented by a rainbow flag.
Sorry, Homophobia is Not Good Parenting
This lie that homophobia is good parenting is an insidious myth that needs to be expunged from the American psyche.
“Tell Them You’re Trans”: Framing the Community
Telling a molester to lie about being trans is essentially framing the transgender community.
Montana: Homophobe faces possible life sentence for ‘attempting to violently eliminate the entire LGBTQ community’
John Russell Howald is being convicted of a 2020 violent attempt to “get rid of the Lesbians and gays” in Basin, Montana.
Anti-LGBTQ Domestic Terrorists Thwarted In Maryland
A drag queen story hour in suburban Washington DC was nearly attacked over the weekend. Are we prepared?
More Bad News From Kentucky
Another aspect of the “Slate of Hate”, the set of anti-LGBTQ bills currently making its way through the Kentucky legislature.
LGBTQ Community Under Attack In Kentucky
What empathy can be expected of someone who doesn’t think you exist?