America is being infected with the pus of right-wing hatred on a national scale. Three hundred pieces of anti-queer legislation have been introduced nationwide this legislative session, all with the intent of curbing some sort of queer rights or expression. Cloaked in flimsy “for the sake of the children” excuses, these hatemongers’ legislation seems to continue unabated: from the bathroom to the library, there seems to be no part of the LGBTQ person’s life that some conservative doesn’t want legislatively restricted.
Oklahoma has filed 34 anti-queer bills this session, Tennessee 26, Virginia 17. Iowa has a “Don’t Say Gay” bill pending, restricting mentions of our families for children before grade 3, Arizona’s GOP wants drag to be classified the same as porn. Kentucky Republicans are “attacking” LGBTQ Kentuckians with four bills in the legislature, one of which, SB 150, among other things, gives parents the right to force school personnel to use “specific pronouns” (let’s guess how this would be used) and gives parents the right to exempt their children from any “course…on the subject of human sexuality”.
The Jesus Super Bowl commercial this year? Yeah, an anti-gay group was behind that. Even “safe space” stickers are under attack. Queer kids are being assaulted in bathrooms while teachers stand and watch. Trans people are being “attacked“.
So at what point do we frogs realize that the water in this pot is heating up?
I’ve become vocal about this on Tiktok and I’ll say it here: queer people need to arm themselves. I’ve never eaten words as wholly as I have my previous advocacy of gun prohibition. I used to support a repeal of the second amendment — I would learn to shoot in spring of 2021. I had a 180-degree turn on this due to personal reasons, and the political climate only solidifies my new perspective.
The prospect that the drag queen at the library may have a 9mm in her purse, the possibility that the gay man may answer the door holding an AR — these things raise the stakes for the homophobes. A queer neighborhood watch could patrol our gay-borhoods. And could provide armed escorts for queer kids to and from beleaguered community centers.
Pink Pistols is a wonderful organization. And there are others like it — queer firearms organizations out there helping people learn how to be able to neutralize a homophobe if need be.
I don’t see how we’re not at a point of 100% queer voter turnout, I don’t see how all of our allies aren’t also in the streets protesting on a daily. But at a minimum, we can protect ourselves and our families and our communities. By any means necessary, if necessary.