Opinion writer Rebecca Blankenship writes today about another aspect of the “Slate of Hate“, the set of anti-LGBTQ legislation currently making its way through the Kentucky legislature. Both houses of Kentucky state government have oppressive bigoted bills working their way through; Blankenship draws our attention to House Bill 177, a particularly heinous bill that “would hurt almost every Kentucky family”:

With House Bill 177, Kentucky has hit an all-time low in radicals’ quest to purge LGBTQ kids from our communities.

It’s got a lot of the usual hate groups’ wishlists. It would legally protect conversion therapy, the discredited and incredibly dangerous effort to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through psychological “treatment.”

Rebecca Blankenship, Louisville Courier-Journal

Conversion therapy is a diabolical, barbaric practice. It has already been shown to “lack scientific credibility” in the eyes of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The American Psychiatric Association opposes any such treatment. Its practitioners have been legally forced to dissolve. Yet these bigots still hold out hope that maybe Dr. Fix-It can make little Bobby hetero.

Again, there is no room for compromise or empathy with such unbridled idiocy-driven bigotry. These people are to be opposed, not “reasoned with”. For the sake of all of our families. Anyone who would pull a lever for these anti-American hatemongers immediately relinquishes any claim to the title “ally”: what “ally” would subject their neighbors’ children to psychological torture for the sake of saving $2 on a tax bill?

If the “Slate of Hate” doesn’t get out every queer voter in Kentucky, I don’t know what will.

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