A couple of weeks ago, the world was introduced to the Dissident Homeschool Network, an Ohio-based Telegram network dedicated to turning children into “wonderful Nazis”. The group was actually introduced to the Nazi underworld in November 2021, when “a married couple calling themselves “Mr. and Mrs. Saxon” appeared on the neo-Nazi podcast “Achtung Amerikaner” (previously available on Spotify) to plug a new project: a social media channel dedicated to helping American parents home-school their children.”

“We are so deeply invested into making sure that that child becomes a wonderful Nazi,” Mrs. Saxon told the podcast’s host. “And by home-schooling, we’re going to get that done.”

The Saxons said they launched the “Dissident Homeschool” channel on Telegram after years of searching for and developing “Nazi-approved material” for their own home-schooled children — material they were eager to share.

The Dissident Homeschool channel — which now has nearly 2,500 subscribers — is replete with this material, including ready-made lesson plans authored by the Saxons on various subjects, like Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee (a “grand role model for young, white men”) and Martin Luther King Jr. (“the antithesis of our civilization and our people”).

Huffington Post

Indeed, the Dissident Homeschool Network’s Telegram administrator said of Dr. King, “It is up to us to ensure our children know him for the deceitful, dishonest, riot-inciting negro he actually was…He is the face of a movement which ethnically cleansed whites out of urban areas and precipitated the anti-white regime that we are now fighting to free ourselves from.”

Katja Lawrence. Photo: Anonymous Comrades Collective

Mr. and Mrs. Saxon turned out to be Katja Lawrence and Logan Lawrence of Upper Sandusky, Ohio, a fact unearthed by the Anonymous Comrades Collective. An uproar would ensue. Ohio Board of Ed member Teresa Fedor called for accountability in Ohio homeschooling. The Ohio Department of Education would launch an investigation, with the Interim Superintendent for Public Instruction saying, “There is absolutely no place for hate-filled, divisive and hurtful instruction in Ohio’s schools, including our state’s home-schooling community.” Governor DeWine would condemn the group. Logan Lawrence would be fired from his job at his own family-owned business.

The Washington Post noted, “there’s likely little the state can do because while the state mandates that certain topics be taught, it does not govern details of what home school can and cannot include.” Indeed, the Upper Sandusky superintendent said in a statement that “parents who homeschool their children are “responsible for choosing the curriculum and course of study” and added that “the parents’ chosen curriculum is not sponsored or endorsed by the District”.”

When the news coverage of this group started after the Anonymous Comrades Collective unearthed the Nazis’ identities, the group had 2,300 members. The group would swell during the coverage to over 2,400. That’s two thousand parents looking to indoctrinate thousands of future Nazis. Why? Because they feel that way, too.

In the end, nothing will happen to the Nazi homeschoolers. The Ohio Department of Education concluded its investigation, and determined that the Dissident Homeschool group isn’t doing anything wrong:

“While there are certain minimum requirements for home education, the Department of Education is not involved in the excusal of a particular student from attendance in order to participate in home education…Moreover, the district superintendent’s review of home education is limited to ensuring that the minimum educational requirements are met and that the academic assessment report shows that a child is demonstrating reasonable proficiency.”

Statement from Ohio Department of Education to Vice News

As VICE News notes, there are over 51,000 homeschooled children in Ohio. Assuming each of these Dissident Homeschool families has at least one child, this ostensibly means that as many as 1 in 30 homeschooled Ohioan children are being indoctrinated into becoming Nazis.

One would hope there would be some oversight to make sure kids weren’t learning Nazi lesson plans. No such luck.

And, as is par for the course at a time like this, as VICE News also notes, “Republicans in the Ohio Senate are pushing several pieces of legislation which would relax homeschool oversight even further.” Whenever there’s a scumbag bigot, a Republican enabler doesn’t seem to ever be too far behind. The Ohio Capital Journal notes, Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman (R-Lima) wants even less oversight over education. “Bring on the Nazis”, in essence.

The original group has since been deleted, replaced by another group “with no content”, ostensibly replaced by an even more clandestine group. Hopefully Anonymous Comrades are on top of this, as we may never otherwise know how many parents are in this new group.

…and no one should be surprised.

If any “wake-up” call was needed, this should be it. These kids are going to grow up, and undoubtedly Ohioans over the 2040s will be “wondering how” antisemitic hate crimes are occurring. These are the future vandals, the future internet trolls, the future hatemongers. And they don’t know any better — they’re being brainwashed by parents who themselves are being enabled by white supremacists in the State House. A kid who started Nazi school in October 2021 when this group started will be graduating ostensibly with the Class of 2033 — with an opinion on people like Martin Luther King based on the texts above.

Nothing is going to happen to these parents. Nothing is going to change about this curriculum. Sorry, American Jewish Congress.

Let’s not sugarcoat the state of affairs in America today.

Update: Dissident Homeschool Network made it to “Creep of the Week” status on Out In Jersey, the New Jersey LGBT portal. Out in Jersey brings us what may be my favorite quote from the Nazi scum:

“Without homeschooling our children,” one of the founders of Dissident wrote, “our children are left defenseless to the schools and the Gay Afro Zionist scum that run them.”

Dissident Homeschool Network founder quoted in Out in Jersey

Gay Afro Zionist! A shoutout to queer Jews of color! I guess we’re running the schools?

Again, there are thousands of these people.

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