“Transgender” convicted child molester “Hannah” Tubbs is being exposed in right-wing media this week now that old recordings surrounding their conviction have come to light. In the jailhouse recordings, Tubbs refers to “herself” as a “grown ass man” and jokes about having chosen the name Hannah:

Now, in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, Prosecutor Shea Sanna, 36, says Tubbs repeatedly referred to herself as ‘he’ in jailhouse phone calls, joked with her father about choosing the name Hannah and hoped that identifying as a woman would result in a cushier existence.

Daily Mail

The two year sentence was originally handed down to be served in a juvenile facility, owing to the fact that Tubbs was two weeks shy of turning 18 at the time of committing the crime.

Tubbs’ 280+ jailhouse calls are already eyebrow-raising as is — Tubbs refers to themselves as a “tranny” when giving the directive to “refer to me as ‘her'”. The initial recordings from February 2022 were disturbing enough to DA George Gascon at the time that he was “very, very upset” and regretfully said, “If I had to do it all over again, she would be prosecuted in adult court.” Gascon regretted knowing that Tubbs was “gaming the system”.

Yet, the prosecutor who called attention to said gaming is now suspended for misgendering Tubbs. Prosecutor Shea Sanna points out, however, that this may not even have been Tubbs’ idea:

“‘Then, in probation documents, [Tubbs] was mad he was in a juvenile facility for a short period of time and while he was in there, he was treated like a kid.

‘He got mad and was yelling at the staff he’s a grown-a** man. So he’s referring to himself as a grown-a** man and he’s saying he wants to go back to a men’s facility, an adult men’s facility.

‘They said, you need to talk to your lawyer about that and he doesn’t want to because his lawyer doesn’t want him to go back to being a man.”

Prosecutor Shea Sanna

If Tubbs said they want to go to a men’s facility, and his lawyer doesn’t want him “to go back”, this defense attorney is clearly an issue. If Tubbs is literally screaming to staff “I’m a man”, is referring to Tubbs as “he” misgendering, especially for said staff and those who read their reports?

However, more telling to me is the timeline here. If this sentence was handed down in January 2022, and “the jail recordings have been known inside the district attorney’s office for at least a month” per a February 21, 2022 article, when did they think Tubbs was transgender?

This means that he was giving directives to use female pronouns while simultaneously referring to himself as a “grown ass man”. Referring to “himself” on the phone with relatives. Was this on the instruction of his attorney? “Just tell them you’re trans” as legal advice? Especially considering this is a conviction for molesting a ten-year-old girl in a bathroom — literally the scenario that keeps Tucker Carlson’s fans up at night — telling someone to lie about being trans is essentially framing the transgender community.

Clearly this defense attorney doesn’t care about anything like that. It’s akin to saying “just tell them you’re Black” while lynching is rampant — such a defense puts more lives in danger than it saves. Transphobes eat stories like this up – Tubbs will likely be used as fodder in right-wing arguments around Thanksgiving tables for the next decade. Meanwhile, trans people have to live with the repercussions.

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