Hatemonger cum preacher Duncan Urbanek decided to show his ass true colors recently in Houston, praying publicly for gay people to die. This is the cleric who recently made himself viral by suggesting men should destroy their wives’ pants to prevent crossdressing.
The demon-as-Baptist impersonator was caught in 4K speaking to his victims flock in a sermon reposted by Hemant Mehta on his Friendly Atheist blog:

“Hey I’m going to pray for every pedophile. Every homo that exists, you know what my prayer for them is? They go straight into hell right now…
I have no sympathy for them. I have no love for them. They hate [G-d]! They’ve already rejected [G-d]! And if [G-d] rejected them, why would I accept them?
That’s why I just pray that they just go to hell! And that’s a good imprecatory prayer to have: Hey [L-rd], let him drop straight into hell right now.
“I mean if that’s not gonna happen, you know, let him get run over by a bus! A huge semi-truck! A Mack truck! I mean, let him get struck by lightning. I mean, give him cancer. Let the AIDS just infest their whole body and just die right now. Just destroy them.
“I mean, I don’t care which way you do it, [L-rd]. Just kill them right now. Break their teeth in their mouth. Let them have a slow, painful death.”
Duncan Urbanek, Pure Words Baptist Church, Houston, TX
This is what they pray. This is what they want. And ironically, it’s through things like this that people bring horrible things upon themselves.

Generally, when one attempts to call someone else into Divine judgment (“G-d, please punish X for doing Z” implies X is guilty of Z, which would require a Judgment process to ascertain), one calls themselves into Divine Judgment simultaneously. Every case needs two litigants — by putting someone else on “the defense”, one becomes “the plaintiff”, subject to cross-examination by angelic witnesses as much as the other litigant.
The Talmud teaches in Sanhedrin 37b that even though the Sanhedrin was dissolved and the High Court’s death penalties were done away with, the death penalty itself wasn’t done away with. That is, to quote the 13th century commentator the Meiri:
ואף במקום שאין שם מיתת בית דין לא יהרהר אדם לעשות עבירה בסמך זה שהדיין הגדול במקומו עומד ברוך כבודו ממקומו
And even when there is no court-appointed death penalty, a person should not think in his heart to do a sin because of this, because the Great Judge stands in His Place: “Blessed is His glory from His place.”
Meiri to Sanhedrin 37b
The Talmud and commentaries continue to list how these can be played out: one who is deserving of stoning falls from a roof (also think plane crash over land, key is “body hitting object quickly”), one who is deserving of strangulation may die of respiratory illness (“diphtheria” is mentioned specifically in the Talmud) or die from drowning (think plane crash over water), or some other way of losing air supply. Death by burning, besides simply dying in a fire, can be accomplished via snakebite or other toxic substance entering the body (and “burning” it or creating a “burning sensation”), or by a virus creating “inflammation”. Death by decapitation renders one subject to be a victim of crime or of governmental overreach/police brutality.
Indeed, the commentator Rash”i points out that “the judgment of the four methods of death penalty” here is referring to “punishment at the Hands of Heaven, similar to the death penalty for which one is liable”.
So if Duncan wants to call millions of people into Divine judgment — ostensibly for stoning, the death penalty mishkav zachar (Lev. 18:22/20:13) could have potentially received (assuming many conditions were fulfilled) — he would have to be completely exempt from any Divine judgment to emerge from such a Court scot-free. Of course he would say that he would be exempt from any punishment by virtue of being a Christian and having had his sins “died for”, but many of the people upon whom he wanted to bring judgment are Christian themselves — so to the extent they could receive such judgment, he also would be liable to such judgment.
I wonder what Urbanek’s obituary will say one day. I wonder what his verdict was.
Whatever it will be, he will have brought it upon himself.
“Because you drowned others, you were also drowned. And those who drowned you will be drowned eventually.” – Pirkei Avos